You might expect that technology and software companies would face fewer IT challenges than other businesses due to their tech-friendly staff; however, this is often not the case. Businesses working in fintech, software, EDA, and similar fields often have elevated IT demands due to the technical nature of their products and services. Therefore, they face additional challenges that non-tech companies may not.

Fortunately, the iuvo team is here to help. As a managed IT services provider, we can help your technology business get more from your information systems. We will empower you to overcome the IT challenges you face every day.

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Types of Technology and Software Companies That Need IT

What Is Fintech? Fintech is a technology used to improve and automate financial services. Financial technology businesses rely on IT to help fuel their products and services, and to ensure privacy and security. Fintech businesses require a strong IT stack to deliver their solutions to their customers.

What Is Green Tech? Green technology is any technology that allows companies to be environmentally friendly, either in their direct processes or their supply chain.
Green businesses use IT to help cut down on the amount of paper and other physical resources they need to operate. IT solutions can also help them optimize their operations to save electricity, packaging, and other resources.
What Are Semiconductors? Computer chips are made from a semiconductive material, typically silicon, that can be easily manipulated to make specific conductive pathways.
The semiconductor industry uses information technology to help with everything from product designs to communicating with customers. It helps the electronic hardware field thrive.
What Is EDA? Electronic design automation is a field of technology focused on assisting the design, planning, implementation, and production of integrated circuits and printed circuit boards.
Electronic design automation companies have many of the same needs as their customers in the computer hardware industry. IT solutions help them design and deliver their products effectively.

When it comes down to it, every software and technology businesses need IT to run efficiently. This can be operating their infrastructure, implementing specific tools, coordinating internal and external development teams, or provisioning devices to help them work. With the right IT services, your business can thrive.

Reduce Risk of Work Interruptions

The Information Technology Challenges in Software and Technology Companies

Businesses in the technology industry need strong infrastructures that enable them to operate efficiently, especially due to the highly collaborative nature of technology. Additionally, their inherently technology-focused operations require special tools that suit their processes.
Common Reasons Tech Companies Choose In-House IT Solutions
Many software and tech companies choose to shift all their IT services in-house for several common reasons:
    • Transferable Skills: IT is not the same as working on semiconductors, software, or EDA; however, technologists often have transferable skills that may help them with their IT needs.
    • Easier Communication: Sometimes it is easier to work with in-house IT due to being under the same roof (not always literally).
    • Pandemic Led to Cutting Costs: A lot of businesses took a hard look at their IT budgets during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Decided to “Repurpose” Other Technical Personnel for IT: Many businesses choose to repurpose their technologists as IT staff.
    • Cybersecurity Concerns: Technology businesses having in-house IT can mean operating with a smaller attack surface.

Reasons Tech Companies Should Use Third-Party IT Services 

While relying on in-house IT support sounds reasonable, it is often a much better idea to outsource IT services. Here are just some of the benefits of using a third-party IT provider:

Help Lower Costs:

Contracting third-party IT services allow businesses to get high-quality engineers which then reduces long-term costs. In many cases, third-party IT services can be significantly less expensive in the long term because you’re paying for value that lasts, not just for short-term goals. 

Can Supplement In-House Personnel:

Sometimes you want a third-party provider to supplement your existing in-house team. A hybrid model can help you enjoy the benefits of insourcing and outsourcing.

Offer Access to a Broad Knowledge Pool:

If you have an in-house team, you either need generalists or specialists in every area. With a third-party team, you can access a broader knowledge pool more cost-efficiently, meaning, skills in Windows, Mac, Linux, networking, security, Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure.

Reduce Risk of Work Interruptions:

When your IT team is on-site, any disruptions to your office means disruption to your IT too. With an outsourced team, you can hedge against the risks of work interruptions.

Enable Businesses to Focus Solely on Core Operations:

Your technologists should be focusing on your core operations, not getting distracted by IT concerns. Hiring a third-party IT service provider means that your team members can spend more time doing what they do best and drive your business forward. A third-party service provider will also work on-premises.

Constantly Changing Technology:

Unless you have a large, full-time IT team that is constantly retrained, it’s next to impossible to keep up with the rapid pace of evolving technology. Partnering with an IT service provider means you are more likely to remain fully up-to-date on the latest hardware, software, and security risks.
Bottom Line: Partnering with IT Service Providers Benefits Software and Technology Businesses 

The bottom line for many technology companies is that they need an IT services provider, whether fully outsourced or hybrid. Teams working in technology are particularly vulnerable to the mistake of repurposing technologists to work on IT tasks. This can lead to workers being overextended, declining productivity, and misalignment of priorities. Working with a professional, dedicated IT provider is the better solution.

Why Third-Party Cloud Solutions are the Best and Safest Option-1

Why Third-Party Cloud Solutions are the Best and Safest Option

In the modern, ever-evolving business world, it’s important for companies to invest in cloud solutions, giving them complete control over their data. Many of the top benefits of cloud solutions result from architecture being implemented properly. With an expert third-party team, you can enjoy some great benefits:

    • Experienced cloud professionals can operate more efficiently, helping your team to be more productive.
    • You can predict and control your IT costs more easily, avoiding any budget surprises.
    • With a third-party provider, you can be confident all your IT needs will be handled by trained, qualified, and knowledgeable professionals.
    • Spend less time on your cloud systems and more time on growing your business to be the best it can be.
    • Outsourced cloud solutions have a reduced risk of interruptions and are often more future-proofed for regulations, financial changes, and more.
    • With third-party cloud services, you can be confident that your cybersecurity is more easily managed and is ultimately more secure.
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Technology and Software Companies Benefiting from Using Third-Party IT Managed Services


Businesses have a lot to gain by outsourcing. They can cut costs, increase efficiency, and better manage their operations.
IT services are tied to accounting as the most outsourced business process. In fact, 37% of businesses outsource their IT. This leaves a lot of room to gain a competitive advantage by using an MSP.
The outsourced technology industry is growing. IT is projected to grow by $98 billion by 2024. More and more businesses are seeing the advantages of third-party IT.
The cloud is more important than ever. Many businesses are turning to third-party providers to help them harness cloud technology to its fullest.
Unlimited growth with limited costs. A managed cloud service lets your company expand its IT footprint without buying and installing a ton of new equipment. You can grow instantly when you need to.
Why Technology and Software Companies Choose iuvo Technologies

Why Technology and Software Companies Choose iuvo    

iuvo helps businesses like yours get the most from their IT software, infrastructure, devices, and more. We can help you not only overcome your current IT challenges but also thrive in an ever-changing future. Our team has more than 22 years of experience working in the technology and software industry. Let us show you the difference our managed IT services and consulting can make.


Benefits  of Choosing iuvo Technologies as Your Cloud Solutions Partner

  • Increase Your Productivity and Reduce Your Costs
  • Get White-Glove Service On-Demand (16-minute average/10-minute median response time)
  • Reduce Frustration and Stress for Employees
  • Customer Service That Is 2X Better Than the MSP Average (iuvo's NPS score:80) Ensure IT Operations Systems and Security Are Always Up to Date
  • Dedicated Teams, So You Know Your IT Professionals Personally

Choose iuvo for all Your IT and Cloud Needs

Businesses in the technology and software industry need the best managed IT services to help them gain a competitive advantage and thrive. The choice you make when you select an MSP will play an important role in the future of your business. By selecting iuvo, you will set your company up for lasting success.

We provide best-in-class managed IT services backed by industry-leading customer service. This is more than just a claim – we have the market data to back it up. Contact us today to learn more about our services.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Software companies need to be more agile than ever. They need to invest in solutions such as DevOps and enhanced cybersecurity.

Technology companies face challenges with cybersecurity, scaling, ever-evolving needs, and a shifting competitive landscape.

Let’s face it, every business needs IT to be fully productive, so technically you are already paying for it. Outsourcing  Managed IT services, however, means potentially better cost efficiency and results.

When your team has the tools it needs to succeed, your business will grow. Strong IT helps deliver the right tools and the right solutions for your organization and for your people to grow.

Hardware industries need the right tools to help them design their products and drive innovation. IT can empower product design, delivery, evaluation, and more.

Managed IT services help you handle all your information technology needs with predictable costs, on-demand service, and flexibility.

The specifics of your managed IT solutions depend on your needs. It can cover infrastructure, platforms, software, devices, cloud backup and storage, and much more.


Your High-Tech Business needs iuvo 

In addition to optimizing cloud services, following DevOps best practices, and scaling smartly & securely, our seasoned professionals will allow your employees to do the work they were hired to do. Let's discuss further how iuvo can help your high-tech company grow!

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